Like It Or Not,基本的框架已经定下来,是一个绝对不公平的框架。想要拆穿它,已经不可能。唯一的后果是流血!!现在能做的是什么??要离开吗,请自便!利用你的公民权力,向腐败的政府一个明确的讯号!自己放弃就等于接受友族逐步的吞噬,再吞噬已经够可怜的仅有权力!!!!要讲的就是那么多!!完美主义是没有市场的!!!
1 comment:
I have lost confidence with the BN controlled government from the day I left for US. I also was rewarded with financial assistant that I could not get while I was in Malaysia.
Malaysia would not be achieved Vision 2020 if preferential treatments for malays still prevail. Pak Lah and gang should start scrapping the discriminatory policy be it public or private sector.
Don't mention about coming back to the Malaysians overseas. This is like an ugly woman who keeps on telling all the men around the world, "Please marry me. You are ungrateful for not marrying me………." - Malaysia would better be a nice woman first.
Feel appreciated? These people are being polite. Many would return if only they feel they are not being robbed. The truth is the NEP is really robbery. It is basically an unfair tax system that robs the future of non-malays.
Let say you run a company. Imagine being asked to invest in a country that taxes you higher than most people. Imagine also that the more you can make, the higher the tax rate while majority of others gets tax breaks and subsidies.
Also, if you are successful, you have to give up some equity, even majority in some cases. Who would invest?
For non-malays it is the same, when they choose to work and live in Malaysia, it is an investment both personal and financial. They get the bare necessary support and often thrown obstacles along the way.
They pay most of the taxes and their savings are abused. If they are successful especially very successful, they are expected to give it up, and not to the needy and deserving, but mostly to the wasteful, undeserving and arrogant.
It is a no brainer for towering non-malays. In fact it is a no brainer for all non-malays.
My sincere advice to these towering Malaysians is, to stay where you are and don't come back! Also think of your children's future and education, which this country cannot provide.
This country only wants thieves, non-skilled labourers and criminals from Indonesia, Bosnia and Bangladesh. The only qualification is that he is a Muslim.
My brother found a job in Australia two weeks after graduation. Got his PR a few weeks later. All individuals I have spoken to compliment and agree it is the right thing to do.
Not one has the slightest disagreement with my brother decision. The sentiment among my relatives and peers are obvious. There is no pride for non-malays in Malaysia and never will.
I got a few friends in UK, Swiss, to further PhD in biotech. They won't come back to Malaysia as Malaysia can't provide them the technology that they currently using, studying. Of course they feel unfair in the Malaysia system. That is it, Time to change……….
Recently I have talked to Malaysia friends about the issue of returning home. Not surprise me that they all have their Australia PR.
Please do not criticize us that we are not loyalty, we are grown up in national schools, we do not really have "well-funded education" as a Malaysian should be. The main concern for us is the secure feeling of staying in Malaysia.
Despite the public security, it is more about uncertainty we have percept since we are born. I do not expect my children future ruin in your hands.
I think all Malaysians should try hard to educate their children to be global citizens, i.e. give them an education that will enable them to survive anywhere even in India or China.
But if you are a connected crony your children will be able to prosper for the next two generations until or at least our energy reserves run out.
After that we hope they will be able to make the correct life choices. If they settle overseas it means we have less hotel bills to pay when we tour!
Malaysia may yet change for the better. The one minister got it right this time - "You can't fool all the people all the time".
Everyday I remind myself this: Study harder; make money. The grass is greener on the other side, not for myself but definitely for my children.
Migration is perfectly normal. But it is the circumstance of one decision to migrate is the issue.
Please all of you don't come back. Malaysia does not want intelligent people: they are difficult to control (i.e. LKS, Karpal Singh, etc).
I have so many friends and children of friends, who stay overseas that when I go there, I feel more at home than here! I feel free there!
I went to bed troubled at the huge loss of talents that could have helped Malaysia become another Japan. So many brilliant people are coming forward to narrate how they made good in other countries when Malaysia, the country they were born and bred in, failed to treat them fairly.
Everyone knows Japan story.
The Japanese phoenix worked because they built back their country as one people. They didn't have a Petronas rebuilding the country. They were a country starved of natural resources, but the biggest wealth and asset of post-war Japan was the people themselves. They recognised and made full use of the talents from the people for the country.
As long as the NEP and the affirmative policies are in place, more and more will emigrate and the loser is Malaysia.
The solution is simple. However, in this country everything boiled down to pampering one race which has proven again and again that it is not working after 50 years.
Our leaders are not bothered about all these messages and they will brand the emigrants as not patriot to avoid finding solution for the long benefit of the country.
To all, for time being, emigrate to other country to teach a lesson to BN the hard way.
Just put it very simply, our Malaysia country is not competitive enough that we no longer could afford to hire our talents in overseas back. The environment is just not conducive for further development.
For those who wish to sell short to come back, there must be a good reason. Why bother to come back if you know that you are not appreciated? Patriotism is not a good reason as it is illogical to say that one is not patriotic if one is working or living overseas.
The latest slogan I heard from Singapore is that one could venture overseas as far as he could, but the heart is always welcome to be with home, Singapore. Overseas Singaporeans did come back solely for their national day celebration. I think this is a more liberal way of thinking. The world is flat now.
Either way, one has to make his own decision to make a choice to be out or in. After all, our society has become very sick and corrupted such that white or black, wrong or right is indistinguishable. Idiotic loyalty is unwise. You just have to make your own way to seek a better future for your self and your family.
Affirmative policies which the government is adopting will do more harm than good to the proud "Bangsa Melayu". That is why after five decades of independence, their inferiority complex is still very much prevalent among them.
Further, how much progress have they made internationally? Virtually none or if there is, I dare say, is insignificant. Other races have made headlines in the international arena, including being top executives of major multinational corporations.
Some have even made it in Hollywood! If you are talking about our local guys, people like Zang Toi, a Chinese designer from Kelantan, and Dato Jimmy Choo, famous for his shoes, are worldwide brands.
If the NEP continues in its current form, the malay community may face the danger of sinking into oblivion in the sea of vast technological and economic changes which our world is constantly experiencing.
Forget this towering Malaysians bit. After 50 years there is no Malaysians but only Malays, Indians and Chinese. Forget patriotism - there is no such thing. All this talk about NEP is just a smokescreen, a mechanism for Umno leaders to enrich themselves, siblings and offspring - at the expense of working class Malays, Indians and Chinese.
The smart ones with special talents like "eco" would emigrate with or without the discrimination. It is the "pull" factor and not the "push" factor that decides where people like eco will make their home.
To us ordinary folks, with dreams of making something out of our lives, I say follow your instinct and look for that Promised Land.
We should be grateful to the government of Malaysia for starting the exodus. We are what we are today, like I always say, "Not in spite of the discriminatory policy but because of it."
Some of us prefer to be birds of fine weather. That is fine too.
Steadily and slowly, the middle class Malaysians are moving overseas, be it the US, UK, Singapore or Australia. Not because we are unpatriotic but because we do not want our next generation to endure the state-sponsored racial discrimination that we had to endured for so long.
It is the adults who teach hate and discrimination to the kids who in the end become the racists that they are. My best friends in primary school and secondary school are malays and Indians.
We don't realize that non-malays have lesser opportunities to go to tertiary education. When I see that my country is actually engaging in state-sponsored racial discrimination segregation laws later in my life, I am deeply disappointed that while we are taught moral values and all the values of Malaysia in school, that it is actually not being practised in our daily life.
When you have these "push" factors in place, when non-malays have the opportunities or when they are fed up with the policy of the country, they will leave the country and will never come back to contribute to the country.
As a lot of these politicians who wield keris and the other radicals want the non-malays to get off the land, they do not realized that as much as they think they do not need us, they actually do.
I second one opinion, my parents did not have a choice back then. I have a choice now, I am choosing to develop elsewhere. Not because I am unpatriotic, but I do not want my tax money to go into incompetent BN politicians pocket or any other maggots associated with them.
Now my tax money will go to a deserving country where I feel I am not being shortchanged. You will be surprised how many young non-malay Malaysians will end up building US, UK, Singapore, Canada and Australia. We owe this to our parents and to our next generations who never had the chance.
U r welcome to shoot government failure,stupid policy..etc.
But,please no racist statement.
If you think that you need a place to vent your frustration,here i recommended a link to you ;
Go and convince them.
I'll delete those racist statement.
1 comment:
I have lost confidence with the BN controlled government from the day I left for US. I also was rewarded with financial assistant that I could not get while I was in Malaysia.
Malaysia would not be achieved Vision 2020 if preferential treatments for malays still prevail. Pak Lah and gang should start scrapping the discriminatory policy be it public or private sector.
Don't mention about coming back to the Malaysians overseas. This is like an ugly woman who keeps on telling all the men around the world, "Please marry me. You are ungrateful for not marrying me………." - Malaysia would better be a nice woman first.
Feel appreciated? These people are being polite. Many would return if only they feel they are not being robbed. The truth is the NEP is really robbery. It is basically an unfair tax system that robs the future of non-malays.
Let say you run a company. Imagine being asked to invest in a country that taxes you higher than most people. Imagine also that the more you can make, the higher the tax rate while majority of others gets tax breaks and subsidies.
Also, if you are successful, you have to give up some equity, even majority in some cases. Who would invest?
For non-malays it is the same, when they choose to work and live in Malaysia, it is an investment both personal and financial. They get the bare necessary support and often thrown obstacles along the way.
They pay most of the taxes and their savings are abused. If they are successful especially very successful, they are expected to give it up, and not to the needy and deserving, but mostly to the wasteful, undeserving and arrogant.
It is a no brainer for towering non-malays. In fact it is a no brainer for all non-malays.
My sincere advice to these towering Malaysians is, to stay where you are and don't come back! Also think of your children's future and education, which this country cannot provide.
This country only wants thieves, non-skilled labourers and criminals from Indonesia, Bosnia and Bangladesh. The only qualification is that he is a Muslim.
My brother found a job in Australia two weeks after graduation. Got his PR a few weeks later. All individuals I have spoken to compliment and agree it is the right thing to do.
Not one has the slightest disagreement with my brother decision. The sentiment among my relatives and peers are obvious. There is no pride for non-malays in Malaysia and never will.
I got a few friends in UK, Swiss, to further PhD in biotech. They won't come back to Malaysia as Malaysia can't provide them the technology that they currently using, studying. Of course they feel unfair in the Malaysia system. That is it, Time to change……….
Recently I have talked to Malaysia friends about the issue of returning home. Not surprise me that they all have their Australia PR.
Please do not criticize us that we are not loyalty, we are grown up in national schools, we do not really have "well-funded education" as a Malaysian should be. The main concern for us is the secure feeling of staying in Malaysia.
Despite the public security, it is more about uncertainty we have percept since we are born. I do not expect my children future ruin in your hands.
I think all Malaysians should try hard to educate their children to be global citizens, i.e. give them an education that will enable them to survive anywhere even in India or China.
But if you are a connected crony your children will be able to prosper for the next two generations until or at least our energy reserves run out.
After that we hope they will be able to make the correct life choices. If they settle overseas it means we have less hotel bills to pay when we tour!
Malaysia may yet change for the better. The one minister got it right this time - "You can't fool all the people all the time".
Everyday I remind myself this: Study harder; make money. The grass is greener on the other side, not for myself but definitely for my children.
Migration is perfectly normal. But it is the circumstance of one decision to migrate is the issue.
Please all of you don't come back. Malaysia does not want intelligent people: they are difficult to control (i.e. LKS, Karpal Singh, etc).
I have so many friends and children of friends, who stay overseas that when I go there, I feel more at home than here! I feel free there!
I went to bed troubled at the huge loss of talents that could have helped Malaysia become another Japan. So many brilliant people are coming forward to narrate how they made good in other countries when Malaysia, the country they were born and bred in, failed to treat them fairly.
Everyone knows Japan story.
The Japanese phoenix worked because they built back their country as one people. They didn't have a Petronas rebuilding the country. They were a country starved of natural resources, but the biggest wealth and asset of post-war Japan was the people themselves. They recognised and made full use of the talents from the people for the country.
As long as the NEP and the affirmative policies are in place, more and more will emigrate and the loser is Malaysia.
The solution is simple. However, in this country everything boiled down to pampering one race which has proven again and again that it is not working after 50 years.
Our leaders are not bothered about all these messages and they will brand the emigrants as not patriot to avoid finding solution for the long benefit of the country.
To all, for time being, emigrate to other country to teach a lesson to BN the hard way.
Just put it very simply, our Malaysia country is not competitive enough that we no longer could afford to hire our talents in overseas back. The environment is just not conducive for further development.
For those who wish to sell short to come back, there must be a good reason. Why bother to come back if you know that you are not appreciated? Patriotism is not a good reason as it is illogical to say that one is not patriotic if one is working or living overseas.
The latest slogan I heard from Singapore is that one could venture overseas as far as he could, but the heart is always welcome to be with home, Singapore. Overseas Singaporeans did come back solely for their national day celebration. I think this is a more liberal way of thinking. The world is flat now.
Either way, one has to make his own decision to make a choice to be out or in. After all, our society has become very sick and corrupted such that white or black, wrong or right is indistinguishable. Idiotic loyalty is unwise. You just have to make your own way to seek a better future for your self and your family.
Affirmative policies which the government is adopting will do more harm than good to the proud "Bangsa Melayu". That is why after five decades of independence, their inferiority complex is still very much prevalent among them.
Further, how much progress have they made internationally? Virtually none or if there is, I dare say, is insignificant. Other races have made headlines in the international arena, including being top executives of major multinational corporations.
Some have even made it in Hollywood! If you are talking about our local guys, people like Zang Toi, a Chinese designer from Kelantan, and Dato Jimmy Choo, famous for his shoes, are worldwide brands.
If the NEP continues in its current form, the malay community may face the danger of sinking into oblivion in the sea of vast technological and economic changes which our world is constantly experiencing.
Forget this towering Malaysians bit. After 50 years there is no Malaysians but only Malays, Indians and Chinese. Forget patriotism - there is no such thing. All this talk about NEP is just a smokescreen, a mechanism for Umno leaders to enrich themselves, siblings and offspring - at the expense of working class Malays, Indians and Chinese.
The smart ones with special talents like "eco" would emigrate with or without the discrimination. It is the "pull" factor and not the "push" factor that decides where people like eco will make their home.
To us ordinary folks, with dreams of making something out of our lives, I say follow your instinct and look for that Promised Land.
We should be grateful to the government of Malaysia for starting the exodus. We are what we are today, like I always say, "Not in spite of the discriminatory policy but because of it."
Some of us prefer to be birds of fine weather. That is fine too.
Steadily and slowly, the middle class Malaysians are moving overseas, be it the US, UK, Singapore or Australia. Not because we are unpatriotic but because we do not want our next generation to endure the state-sponsored racial discrimination that we had to endured for so long.
It is the adults who teach hate and discrimination to the kids who in the end become the racists that they are. My best friends in primary school and secondary school are malays and Indians.
We don't realize that non-malays have lesser opportunities to go to tertiary education. When I see that my country is actually engaging in state-sponsored racial discrimination segregation laws later in my life, I am deeply disappointed that while we are taught moral values and all the values of Malaysia in school, that it is actually not being practised in our daily life.
When you have these "push" factors in place, when non-malays have the opportunities or when they are fed up with the policy of the country, they will leave the country and will never come back to contribute to the country.
As a lot of these politicians who wield keris and the other radicals want the non-malays to get off the land, they do not realized that as much as they think they do not need us, they actually do.
I second one opinion, my parents did not have a choice back then. I have a choice now, I am choosing to develop elsewhere. Not because I am unpatriotic, but I do not want my tax money to go into incompetent BN politicians pocket or any other maggots associated with them.
Now my tax money will go to a deserving country where I feel I am not being shortchanged. You will be surprised how many young non-malay Malaysians will end up building US, UK, Singapore, Canada and Australia. We owe this to our parents and to our next generations who never had the chance.
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