Thanks for the valuable comments.
shinwee said...
Malaysia and Singapore used to be one body. Both started on par in many things, including their universities.Now, 40 years later, Malaysia and Singapore are different. A tale of two nations. One is declining or stuck and the other is moving forward.Why the stark difference? One obvious reason is the way human resources are used in Malaysia and Singapore. Another reason is accountability and transparency. Yet another reason is corruption.The government of one nation has tunneled vision under a coconut shell while the other has good mission and vision. One is concerned with one dominant race and the other is race-blind. Furthermore, one practices an officially approved apartheid policy while pretending to be a fair government that does not marginalise its citizens of certain ethnic groups. One is pretends to be global while the other is truly global.Malaysia and Singapore: excellent examples for historical and social analyses and studies. Also, excellent case studies in evolution: survival of the fittest.
My reply to Shinwee,hope you can read mandarin.
I hate to share this ,but is damn true to reflect the real scenario of Bolehland.
When the Malay have problems,is a national problems.
When the Chinese have problems,is a racial problems.
When the Indian have problems,that is not a problems.
Others buddy,your comments is noted and thousand Tq!!!!!!